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by fig + fauna farm on 07/27/12

I've been really looking foward to sharing this news. Last Winter, I wrote a short story for KINFOLK about my relationship with our beloved chickens. It brought me such joy to write something so tangible, and it's an honor to have my words on a page amongst many incredible writers and artists. If you find yourself with a copy in hand, please enjoy it knowing the passion behind each piece ~ made just for you.


Comments (10)

1. simplicity said on 7/28/12 - 03:07AM
this looks so lovely. I can't wait to read the magazine!
2. Kimberlys Cup said on 7/28/12 - 01:23PM
I love having chicken! The goats and cow were just too much, but chickens are perfect for us. Isn't it amazing all the different feathers? So wonderful.
3. fig + fauna said on 7/28/12 - 04:20PM
Simplicity ~ thanks! Kinberlys Cup ~ I completely know what you mean! Chickens are so fun to watch! Our hens have just recently found our pool area..can you imagine where this is going? hah!
4. thecitygourmand said on 7/29/12 - 01:23AM
I'm so glad that publications like Kinfolk exist - they bring me such joy! Congratulations on your excellent contribution too!
5. Melissa said on 7/30/12 - 03:40AM
I bought that magazine so I could read your story. Great job! Although I think I would have a hard time raising then eating the chickens ;( We did it when I was a lil girl and I think to date I am scarred. Kidding, kinda
6. Kinds of Honey said on 7/30/12 - 06:08PM
Congratulations! How wonderful to be able to contribute to beautiful writing, eating, and photography in multiple venues.
7. Alison said on 8/7/12 - 05:23AM
Congratulations on your piece in Kinfolk. I love reading it. Everything in it's so beautiful.
8. fig + fauna said on 8/7/12 - 11:06AM
thank you all for your kind words! So glad you enjoyed the summer issue. cheers!
9. ambika said on 8/7/12 - 12:06PM
congratulations on your contribution! i love the 'hear black' blog of nathan williams, and am so happy they had the idea for kinfolk. so happy you are a part of this project, well deserved for such a beautiful blog :)
10. Christine | the plumed nest | said on 8/8/12 - 07:06PM
lovely! my dream is to someday own a home where i can have chickens. . . and maybe a goat.

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