Summer Travels ~ Polyface Farm : FIG AND FAUNA

Summer Travels ~ Polyface Farm

by fig + fauna farm on 07/30/12

A few weeks ago, we mixed business with pleasure on a road trip to Virginia. With loose plans, we stopped at farmers markets, roadside fruit stands and took the scenic routes, which gave us a view of the most beautiful farms deep in the Shenendoah Valley. One of which, we had the honor to closely tour ~ Polyface Farm. The works of Joel Salatin (Polyface Farm), had our wheels turning when we found him a few years ago. His careful approach to farming land and animals, filled our minds with practical concepts that would later make our 3.5 acre farm dream a reality. In Joel's language, "fertility" is a word that is echoed in many places on Polyface farm - and he explains that it's made possible by simply letting chickens be chickens, letting cows be cows and ohhh the pigs...we must let pigs do what pigs do best! We took the hayride tour, over hills and through fields of red and white clover. While I chose to walk the tour in the freshly layed tracks of grass, I breathed the life around me. I could clearly see that the theme of Polyface was present in everything they do: all creatures benefit by working together.

That evening, we dined at a nearby restaraunt and tasted the flavorful results of Polyface Farms fertile soil. With each bite, I remembered the smell of the deep green pastures and I could see the faces of those that have a great passion for the life before the harvest. My husband's ears perked up and he smiled to me across the table. "Everyone here is talking about farming right now, honey!" Indeed they were. We relished in the rare occasion, just listening while we ate.


Comments (6)

1. michelle said on 8/2/12 - 05:40AM
I'd love to visit Polyface! Thank you for the pictures, felt like I was on the tour too!! Awesome blog btw!
2. said on 8/2/12 - 11:49AM
I'm such a fan of Joel's! Thanks for sharing your visit. Lovely photos! --Kimmy
3. Elisa said on 8/2/12 - 10:04PM
Your blog is a true inspiration and I enjoy reading through every single post and looking at each picture so much that I mentioned you in one of my blogpost {}. I hope you're ok with that. Elisa
4. julia said on 8/6/12 - 02:50PM
Everyone is talking about farming! We (I use that term loosely) just turned our SoFla yard into a veg and herb patch.
5. fig + fauna said on 8/6/12 - 03:17PM
Julia ~ So cool! I love urban gardens! Where are you located?
6. fig + fauna said on 8/7/12 - 11:09AM
Elisa ~ Thank you so much for the mention! Your blog is a beautiful space.

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