Lost Skills II ~ Pasta Making : FIG AND FAUNA

Lost Skills II ~ Pasta Making

by fig + fauna farm on 07/22/12

Last month, we shared a Saturday morning with some of our favorite ladies - along with handfuls of bright white flour. We gathered for our second Lost Skills Workshop: Pasta Making. I'm no expert in the art, but I pulled from the advice given to me by an Italian grandmother herself. " A handful of flour and some eggs...olive oil sometimes, dear. You'll never purchase that store bought stuff again." And really it is that simple. The learning curve is in the feel of the dough.It's something that you only truly understand after kneading, dusting and touching again. That's just what we did.


Later, while we savored the pesto speckled pasta, we could all agree that the floury kitchen mess left us with no regrets, because the pasta is just that good.



Serves 1

You will need:

  • 2/3 cup of All Purpose Flour, plus extra for sprinkling (you can get creative with other flours too!)
  • 2 pastured eggs

Make a mound of flour on a clean surface. Create a well in the center, large enough to put the eggs into. Using a fork, whisk the eggs. Slowly gather the flour into the mixture by whisking the sides. When the dough forms, knead it for 5-7 minutes, adding flour when the dough is sticky to the touch. Shape the dough into a ball and cover for 30 minutes before rolling out.

Roll the dough as thin as possible using a rolling pin or pasta maker (I prefer the maker!) Cut into desired shapes and cook in salted boiling water for 1-2 minutes or until pasta rises to the top. Serve and enjoy!

// More pictures of the workshop on F & F Facebook


Comments (11)

1. Helene @ French Foodie Baby said on 7/22/12 - 06:55PM
This is very timely as I was planning on trying to make ravioli for the first time... Beautiful photography as always.
2. Mint Julep said on 7/23/12 - 12:23AM
We're in the habit of making pasta at home, but because we do not have one of thos cutting pasta machines we end up only making it for lasagna. And yes, I have never bought another ready made lasagna pasta again...
3. Tabetha said on 7/23/12 - 12:49AM
We love making pasta & homemade sauces {especially this time of year with the farmer's markets making appearances} Just lovely photos! http://aclosetintellectual.blogspot.com/
4. thecitygourmand said on 7/23/12 - 01:41AM
The lost skill that I never had... it's never too late I guess! Fresh pasta is just worlds apart from the dried stuff.
5. Rose D. Frenchtown, NJ said on 7/23/12 - 03:31AM
Fresh pasta is the best. My paternal grandmother taught me how to make it when I was a child. It's one of many great old world skills she taught me!! And I loved how you served it!!
6. fig + fauna said on 7/23/12 - 11:57AM
Helene ~ OOOh ravioli!! Good luck, can't wait to hear how it turns out! Mint Julep ~ The machine really makes it a breeze! I admire your rolling pin skills! Tabetha ~ Thanks! Those yellow tomatoes from the market are giving us some beautiful sauces :) The City Gourmand ~ You are right, never too late!! Enjoy! Rose D ~ You are so lucky to have been taught by your grandmother. Bless the Italian grans in the world!
7. fig + fauna said on 7/24/12 - 04:16PM
Just wanted to invite you pasta makers to share your recipes here too!
8. Akaleia said on 7/24/12 - 07:56PM
So wonderful pictures - adorable! Greetings from Germany Birgit
9. lissa said on 7/26/12 - 05:57AM
utterly lovely!! I've visited this post 3 times! :)
10. karen hoida said on 7/26/12 - 07:38AM
I don't know which I love more, the beautiful photos or the recipes.....so lovely
11. Alanna said on 7/30/12 - 02:19PM
It was a wonderful class and can't wait for the next on in the series! Thank you for sharing!,

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