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these days

by fig + fauna farm on 01/18/13

Everything is vibrant and green here - a kind of Spring for other parts of the country. When I'm not tending to the garden and animals, I'm inside canning every tomato in sight!

pictured: purple cabbages growing / dane learns to share / lentil, oat and more chicken feed / my sweetheart / a thousand tomatoes / making water ropes / bunnylicious / best tomato salad / rosemary in knots


Comments (30)

1. Sarah said on 1/18/13 - 09:24AM
Green?! Oh my gosh, what I wouldn't do for a little spring! Winter in Nebraska tends to drag on and wear me down. I look forward to hearing more about your inspiration for the farm. My husband and I have the same dream, one which we will get to this year, so I am really inspired by those who have already achieved it.... Sarah
2. Jen said on 1/18/13 - 12:14PM
I am loving all of these shots right now. A little summer like happiness for all of us dealing with cold temps!
3. Stacy ~ Sweet Life Farm said on 1/18/13 - 12:39PM
Oh, warmth for the soul! Hoping temps rise on this cold and bright January day to thaw the water to the barn. When I was Dane’s age, born horse crazy and in love with animals, I inspired my parents to move from the city to the country. This in turn became a lifestyle change for us all. Blessed to grow up that way, such a lovely intention you have for your daughter. I still surround myself with all the dogs, cats, chickens and horses my heart can hold. Thank you for so beautifully sharing the sweetness of your journey.
4. Jade Sheldon-Burnsed said on 1/18/13 - 05:20PM
That purple cabbage is unbelievably gorgeous. I'm always so inspired by your photographs... Makes me want to move to the country...
5. thecitygourmand said on 1/19/13 - 03:51PM
Can I just say that photo with the hose is amazing? Sometimes you make us so envious of the 'quiet' life.
6. Anja (from Savorychicks) said on 1/20/13 - 02:20AM
Beautiful pictures! So inspiring! We're looking for a farm to buy ourselves, and your glimpses of the farm life always make my day!
7. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:19AM
Sarah ~ Can't wait to share our helpful list of links! Sending some warmth your way!
8. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:19AM
Jen ~ thanks!! stay warm!
9. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:20AM
Stacy ~ thank you so much for sharing! children have a way of steering you into goodness!
10. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:22AM
Jade ~ Thank you much!!
11. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:23AM
citygourmand ~ hey! thank you, that is actually my little Dane, watering the fig tree. Did you ever make shapes with hose water when you were little? love it!
12. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:24AM
Anja ~ Can't wait to hear more about your journey!
13. Victoria said on 1/22/13 - 04:34PM
Your photos are so lovely. What do you use to make them so bright? Darkness is something I really struggle with in pictures, and I absolutely hate it!
14. fig + fauna said on 1/23/13 - 05:34PM
Victoria ~ Thank you! I put my camera on AV and set the f-stop to 1.4 - shutter on auto. That usually lets in all the light I need here in Florida! xo
15. Claudia said on 1/24/13 - 02:54AM
Hello, I am Italian and I recently discovered your website .. surfing on the Internet :-) I have to tell you: as a photo-maniac I really find your photos w o n d e r f u l !!! So I decided to keep in touch with your site and to follow you on Instagram and Pinterest -I hope you don't mind to see my shadow everywhere hahaha!
16. dear olive said on 2/6/13 - 02:18PM
Oh, I'm just so taken with these photos - and your blog! Kellie xx
17. Helene @ French Foodie Baby said on 2/14/13 - 07:36PM
Just gorgeous photos, my favorite being the arm by the fence, and the bunny! :-)
18. Leslie McGlothlin said on 2/17/13 - 01:49PM
Beautiful photos! What kind of a dog is Rosemary? <a href=>And Then The Doorbell Rang</a>
19. fig + faua said on 2/17/13 - 05:21PM
Leslie ~ Thank you, Rosemary is a Coton De Tulear...I highly recommend them!
20. Domenico said on 3/5/13 - 12:45PM
What a wonderful life.
21. Liz ~ A Natural Nester said on 3/6/13 - 05:09AM
Oh those cabbages and bunnies... LOVE!
22. charlotte said on 4/15/13 - 06:29AM
Hey, I just discover your farm world, and I love it. I'm french, from Lyon, I knew your fig and fauna website thanks to Pure green magazine. It was a real crush ! thank you for the wonderfull pictures, animals, food etc ... I just love it !!
23. Estelle said on 4/21/13 - 07:11AM
I miss you so much. Another week without news from you. I am getting worried. Hope it is just spring that keeps you busy on the farm.
24. Britt said on 4/29/13 - 07:31AM
Hope all is ok with you and the family, please know how missed you are! Best thoughts and wishes for you and yours...
25. Eden said on 5/24/13 - 04:51AM
Just spent over an hour reading through your blog. Such a beautiful life you're living, and your daughter is so so blessed to be raised around animals. I wouldn't change that for the world. Loved having animals when I was little. Now I can't wait to have them again!
26. Rosie said on 6/5/13 - 08:01AM
Your photos are so so beautiful. I love the pictures of the tomatoes, especially. If my partner weren't totally disgusted by raw tomatoes (I KNOW?!) I would serve them for dinner with basil and mozzarella all summer long.
27. Kristina Wagner @ Farmers Market Kitchen said on 6/18/13 - 07:04AM
Your pictures are simply amazing... The one with your daughter and you are both holding the bunnies is so precious. I really admire your love of sustainable living. Cant wait to read more posts :)
28. Rough Draft Farmstead said on 6/26/13 - 04:24PM
The photo of the water! LOVE the photo of the water!
29. Melody said on 7/18/13 - 06:00PM
Hope all is well. Love your site; it's very warm and inspiring.
30. karin said on 8/13/13 - 02:01AM
your Pictures are so beutiful. I`m from Bavaria and miss you - hope you are well: best wishes

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