over the weekend : FIG AND FAUNA

over the weekend

by fig + fauna farm on 01/13/13

We spent the weekend fully engaged in Dane's world - it was filled with furry rabbits, pink boots, dancing and lollipops. How was your weekend, friends?


Comments (17)

1. Sarah said on 1/13/13 - 07:55PM
My weekend wasn't as great as this! Just planning for the start of school! x missdottidee.blogspot.com
2. Matrjoschki said on 1/13/13 - 10:18PM
I met some lovely friends. Btw your pics looks so great. greets, elisa
3. Sonja {Dagmar's Kitchen} said on 1/14/13 - 12:03AM
Oh, ours was a bit colder than yours (as it looks) here in Sweden ;-) But me and my daughter have actually been dreaming this weekend about sweet, furry rabbits in our garden for spring... Beautiful photos!
4. Melissa said on 1/14/13 - 05:21AM
Adorable! Those bunnies are your daughter are too too cute. Love the outfits.
5. Jessica DeYoung said on 1/14/13 - 10:36AM
I have no words. Just precious!
6. Liz ~ A Natural Nester said on 1/14/13 - 10:38AM
7. Julie said on 1/14/13 - 01:28PM
Love those floppy bunnies! Our weekend was spent tucked inside away from the cold - this makes me long for some outdoor fun! By the by, Dane is such a lovely little lady now, just like her mama. xo
8. Sarah said on 1/15/13 - 12:12PM
You both are just beautiful! She must have felt like a princess having a special weekend all about her. I love to read about life on your farm, the good times and the hard...thank you for showing it so lovely. Sarah i want to let you know that I have followed you for awhile though my blog, My Yellow House. Recently there were some technical issues which resulted in google cancelling that blog after three years. I was forced to start a new one but I just wanted you to know that I am the same Sarah who's been following you all along. xo
9. Erica said on 1/20/13 - 05:53PM
The sweetest pics!
10. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:25AM
Sarah ~ love you blog!
11. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:25AM
Elisa ~ thank you much!
12. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:27AM
Sonja ~ thank you. I'd like to visit your area some time!
13. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:27AM
Melissa ~ hehe thank you :)
14. fig + fauna said on 1/22/13 - 06:28AM
Jessica, Liz & Julie ~ Thank you ladies! xo
15. Mun said on 1/29/13 - 12:42AM
Such an ideal weekend!
16. Zoe said on 3/24/13 - 06:06PM
My god you really do have the most beautiful photography. Stunning.
17. willdothedishes said on 4/22/13 - 10:50AM
Your photo's are stunning

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