Simple Life : FIG AND FAUNA

Simple Life

by fig + fauna farm on 09/13/12

These words have been on the tip of my tongue for some time now. The farm living that we've become so immersed in is often coined "the simple life" - though we are frequently weighted with urgent decision making, managing, balancing and contemplating everything from feeds to soil. We are stewards to beating hearts and thirsty roots; a title that cannot be taken lightly. Yet, through all of the complicated determination of our days, there exists incredible simplicity here on the farm. I want to tell you these simple things that make my world complete.

Simplicity is revealed in the uncomplicated joy that I recieve as I run my fingers down the back of our cow taking in her heavy sighs. I find a simple way to teach our daughter, by witnessing daily animal life: as they breathe, eat and birth, free of many human convolutions. They bring to light the essence of living and dying with repose. I stumble upon simplicity when my legs graze a fragrant dill plant and awaken not only a scent, but an idea for a nourishing meal. Through that whiff of imagination, simple recipes are born.

Life on the farm is the place where I am able to find simple perspectives, even in the most complicated times. Simplicity is at my fingertips, as long as I'm willing to see it.

Where do you find simplicity, friends?


You will need:

  • 4 oz cream cheese
  • 1/4 tsp chopped dill
  • 1/4 tsp chopped cilantro
  • 1 lemon wedge, squeezed for juice ( optional)

Mix all ingredients until well combined. Serve with smoked salmon on toasted sourdough for a simple, but delicious treat.

Serves 4 slices of bread

Comments (13)

1. Sarah said on 9/13/12 - 11:50AM
Once again, you have inspired me. These are some of the very reasons I long to have a quiet simple place in the country. You have such a beautiful perspective on your life there. I hope you don't mind that I mentioned your blog in my post today. I made the compote, but with raspberries. I did add about 1 tsp of minced jalapenos and since I don't eat dairy, I substituted corn syrup. It was so delicious! Thank you for all the amazing things you share with us. Sarah
2. sarah said on 9/14/12 - 04:07AM
I really should proofread...I meant I don't eat honey!
3. said on 9/15/12 - 08:48AM
this is beautiful, everything you said, your photos, your food. you inspire me.
4. linda dacey said on 9/16/12 - 12:31AM
glad i stumbled upon you HELLO your thoughts gave me pause for thought i live on an unrestored finca in spain i am an artist/vintage seller living here is basic/we wash by standpipe {for now} living like this is humbling the simplest pleasure for me is the smell of the firs and land scorched by the sun/fragrant and magnificent x ... ***
5. linda dacey said on 9/16/12 - 12:34AM
oops sorry forgot to leave my link should you feel like passing by...
6. thecitygourmand said on 9/16/12 - 01:17AM
Wow, I have literally just written a post myself on (the joys of) salmon. That cream will go down a treat!
7. Diana Mieczan said on 9/19/12 - 06:45AM
Simple pleasures are truly the best:) Also, the cream cheese sounds totally delicious:)Have a wonderful day. xo
8. Helene @ said on 9/24/12 - 02:02PM
Oh how complex it is to find, and recognize the value of simplicity! I am in awe of those, such as yourself, who are truly living it. What a beautiful and poetic post, writing and photos alike. It is good to be back here, always an inspiring and serene place :-)
9. kristin said on 9/28/12 - 10:59AM
once again you give me pause and give voice to the poetry of farm life...*thank you*... xoxo kristin
10. fig + fauna said on 10/1/12 - 03:38PM
Sarah ~ I'm thrilled that you tried it. Thanks for the update! I'll try your version next time!
11. fig + fauna said on 10/1/12 - 03:39PM
Ohosanna ~ thank you kindly!
12. fig + fauna said on 10/1/12 - 03:41PM
Linda ~ Thank you for sharing! I love your site...such beautiful things - and the stories behind them :)
13. Erica / Kinds of Honey said on 10/22/12 - 03:31PM
Such light! And sweet faces. I love to see pictures of the farm animals.

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