Prune Compote : FIG AND FAUNA

Prune Compote

by fig + fauna farm on 09/10/12

I feel a pleasant rhythm beginning to form in our homeschooling days. Each morning, stories are read and inspire our minds. We spring from the cozy bed and head to the kitchen, diving even deeper into the lessons. Books with food involved have such great impact as we learn and taste the fables first hand. Goldilocks is a favorite this week, along with the porridge of the three bears ~ and this mama bear made something a little extra special to make the story even sweeter :)


You can use many fruits for this simple compote - a mixture of stone fruits would be divine. Try this topping on pancakes, crepes, yogurt and porridge of course!

You will need:

  • 2 cups fruit , coarsely chopped
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 tsp lemon zest (optional)

Heat all ingredients over medium. Stir gently to keep from scorching, until liquid is thick and fruit is soft. Serve immediatly or store in the refrigerator for a few days.

Serves a few

Comments (8)

1. sarah said on 9/10/12 - 03:52PM
I recently bought raspberry compotes and fell in love! I ate it with cream cheese and it was honestly the best treat I've had in forever. I am solo thrilled you posted this so I can make my own. Wondering....have you ever added jalapeno to it? I'm going to make this tomorrow. :) I'm so happy to have found your beautiful blog! Sarah
2. fig + fauna said on 9/10/12 - 04:31PM
Sarah ~ Can't wait to hear about it, please update me on the results! No, I have not made it with jalepeno, but that sounds amazing!
3. thcitygourmand said on 9/11/12 - 03:17AM
Looks scrumptious! I like that serving board, I need to get me one of those ;)
4. kate o. said on 9/11/12 - 04:41PM
i have never thought to make prune compote! we're quite into deborah madison's blueberry compote with lots of nutmeg over here. so delicious. and i agree, adding jalapeno sounds quite good.
5. Kimberly said on 9/13/12 - 12:35PM
Very lovely sentiment. To be self-sufficient, to live idyllically on a farmstead. . . one can only dream. You are truly fortunate, indeed.
6. Christine (matimuk) said on 9/21/12 - 11:10PM
beautiful images..
7. pam robinson said on 10/10/12 - 11:21AM
my friend megan introduced me to your blog today... i think i need to buy her dinner... A M A Z I N G... you have a new follower!!! xx pam
8. Eleonore said on 3/5/13 - 11:58AM
I just recently found your blog and I reallylove day I wish I can have my own a veterinarian and nutritionist and you have one of my biggest dreams..congratulations on the choice in changing lives!!

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