Reveling : FIG AND FAUNA


by fig + fauna farm on 12/27/12

When I began this space, I had a goal in mind: to expose the beauty of life on a farm. I wanted to share the simple luxuries of homesteading, as they were novel to us. We had hopes to provide a window into the connections that can be made with food, while living with it. I recognized when we started on this journey, that there is a clear generational gap of stewards to land and livestock. My generation isn't able to question our parents on the ways to milk a dairy cow - if we are lucky, we may call upon our grandparents for their memories of life that was once intertwined with home raised meals. As our grandparents recollect those times, they often remind us of the stigma attached to farming: "hard work, little pay". While that notion has deterred so many from this way of life, my mission has been to share another side of farming - a side where people raise food not only out of necessity, but more of a passion for the lives of the meal, and the story that unfolds from plot to plate.

As I was soiling my boots in our pastures morning muck, I came to realize that I have not yet shared so many of the rewarding happenings here on our farm - that is: the intense labor that often brings us together, the struggles which show us patience, the mothering lessons that I have learned from a dear rabbit and what exactly is worth teaching a child through plants and animals. In the hustle of finding our feet on this ground, I have even forgotten to share the details of how and why we embarked on this journey.

I want to do that in two thousand and thirteen. Thank you for sharing this year with us.

Comments (13)

1. Chloe said on 12/27/12 - 01:06PM
Beautiful Thank you guys
2. sarah said on 12/27/12 - 03:02PM
I'm looking forward to reading all about your decisions and life on the farm. I've really enjoyed visiting you this year. Happy holidays and happy new year! Sarah
3. deeapaulitan said on 12/28/12 - 03:56AM
I come because I miss my farm life. I love your space and the peace and joy it brings to mine. Really looking forward to 2013 with you.
4. Melissa said on 12/28/12 - 04:31AM
Your blog is always inspiring to me! My brother just bought a 3+ acre plot and trying to convince him he at least needs chickens....
5. Helene @ French Foodie Baby said on 12/29/12 - 01:21PM
And I can't wait to read all about it. You have a blog (and a life) of beauty and poetry that is always a haven to come back to. Thank you for that, a wonderful new year to you and your loved ones, with many moments of joy, big and small. :-)
6. Lisa Donohue said on 12/29/12 - 05:18PM
I am excited to hear about the farm! I think its a beautiful thing to share your philosophy about your relationship with home-grown food. Looking forward to it!
7. kimberly said on 12/29/12 - 05:50PM
I can't wait for the inspiration that is sure to come from your stories of life on the farm. As we have only a small gentleman's farm I am always hoping to learn how to better steward the property we have.
8. carole said on 12/29/12 - 07:58PM
My husband grew up in a farm family. He's the only one that stayed in it though in another aspect of it. It is very much hard work. I look forward to seeing more in 2013.
9. Jade Sheldon said on 1/2/13 - 01:52PM
So looking forward to what you will share in 2013.
10. Kelly Turnbull said on 1/6/13 - 06:32AM
Beautiful. (I love the picture as well. ) It was wonderful to meet you and see your farm. I look forward to more posts and seeing you in the future.
11. fig + fauna said on 1/9/13 - 10:25AM
thank you everyone! your words are so kind!
12. Julie said on 1/10/13 - 09:47PM
This is beautiful Megan - it is wonderful to learn about farm life from someone who appreciates it so dearly.
13. dear olive said on 2/6/13 - 02:10PM
I've just clicked over here from little green shed, and I'm totally taken with your gorgeous blog. You are most definitely showing the beauty of farm life. Kellie xx

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