A Christmas Wreath : FIG AND FAUNA

A Christmas Wreath

by fig + fauna farm on 12/15/12

We made small wreaths to hang in windows and on doors, with hopes to catch a pine scented breeze every now and then. They are easy to make and quite inexpensive. You can gather cut branches from Christmas tree lots. Find more Christmas Tree project ideas in KINFOLK VOL SIX. pg 82-83.


You will need:

  • 18 gauge wire
  • Twine
  • Christmas Tree Branches
  • Scissors

Form a circle shape with your wire (tear drops, squares, ovals and triangles would be beautiful too!) . Twist the two ends together to complete the shape. Cut small branches about 6-8" long and begin to fasten them to the wire,  with twine, starting at the base of the wreath. Make sure all of the branches are facing upward. Continue this process until all of the wire is covered. Tie a loop at the top of the wreath for hanging.
* Trees that work well with this project are: Douglas Fir and Spruce

// Photos by Rose E Martin

Comments (9)

1. thecitygourmand said on 12/16/12 - 03:14AM
The beauty about this is that you can customise it just the way you want
2. Sonja {Dagmar's Kitchen} said on 12/17/12 - 10:18PM
Hi! Just had to drop a note to tell you how much I love your blog, the photos and your philosophy. //Sonja in Sweden
3. fig + fauna said on 12/18/12 - 04:01AM
city gourmand ~ you are so right! the possibilities are endless. thanks for stopping by
4. fig + fauna said on 12/18/12 - 04:02AM
Sonja ~ Thank you so much for your note. Im on my way to your space - Happy Holidys!
5. Barbara said on 12/19/12 - 11:08AM
Love it I'm going to make one for my dinning room. Happy day.
6. Kimberly said on 12/20/12 - 01:07AM
Beautiful and personal. Lovely, actually!
7. Kimberly said on 12/20/12 - 01:08AM
Beautiful and personal. Lovely, actually!
8. amelia from z tasty life said on 12/26/12 - 03:33AM
You do lovely and unique work and are so inspiring!
9. kylie said on 1/7/13 - 08:27AM
simple and beautiful. i love it. www.spencerandkylie.blogspot.com

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