Fowl Introductions : FIG AND FAUNA

Fowl Introductions

by fig + fauna farm on 01/16/12

 It was just the idea of chickens that first got the wheel in our heads turning to move to the farm. And before this house had a working kitchen, we had our chickens. We found clothing with extra large pockets so that a chick or two might find a warm spot on  farm-chore walks and from time to time, a chick may have been invited inside to witness the household happenings. Though, one particular chicken found a special place in our hearts... Nelly. If you've stepped foot on our farm, chances are you've been coaxed into holding Nelly close enough to your chest to hear her fluttering fowl-speak. A chicken friendship is a simple one. It's not completely reliant on food and treats (though it certainly sweetens the deal) but it's more about comfort. Chickens are spry creatures - they sing a song that is staccato as they forage for fast paced bugs and hide from predators overhead. But to have human contact, is to slow put instincts on pause and beat to the drum of the human hum. Not all chickens accept the change of pace, however, Nelly welcomes these times. These are moments to let down her they are my moments for slowing down too.

There is a certain rule in order on the farm: " Chickens may lay and chickens may go, but Nelly always stays".


Comments (4)

1. Elizabeth Beattie said on 1/16/12 - 02:44PM
I just love your blog so much. Love it! We have a dream to one day live on a bit of land with chickens, a goat and a large vegetable garden. And since we are in California, a couple avocado trees and two citrus trees. Until then, I will venture to your farm and live vicariously. Warmly, Elizabeth
2. fig + fauna said on 1/16/12 - 03:03PM
Elizabeth - thanks for reading. Your words are similar to ours, not so long ago!
3. Julie said on 1/17/12 - 08:39PM
I feel lucky that I got to meet this very special Nelly! Beautiful words here Megan, as always.
4. fig + fauna said on 1/18/12 - 03:41PM
Thank you Julie ~ Nelly requests more coverage in the next film...possibly with a tiny knitted apron. ;) xo

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