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Decisive Moment

by fig + fauna farm on 07/08/12

In the language of photography, there's a term called the decisive moment - so my sister Rose tells me. It means to capture the time where something is about to happen. The photograph could be a drip or a baseball player just about to make a home run. It's the picture that leaves you hanging and gives your mind the chance to fill in the next frame.

In many ways, to live on a farm is to dwell in the decisive moment. It's the dough that is rising in the window, the chickies waiting to hatch, the beets growing deep down in the soil, the honey forming cell by cell, the slow morning milking and the pastures improving with each rain. We are hanging on for everything to happen. Meanwhile, I have learned to live in these moments, realizing that the harvest is the smallest part of the equation - it's the life happening now that we are seeking. We happily welcome four new Aracauna chicks to this world ~


Comments (18)

1. thecitygourmand said on 7/9/12 - 02:52AM
The Decisive Moment is a phrase coined by Bresson. This rings so true with Fig & Fauna. Thank you for sharing these beautiful images!
2. Melissa said on 7/9/12 - 04:01AM
Ooohhh the new baby chicks are precious
3. Helene from said on 7/9/12 - 07:14AM
Learning to enjoy and appreciate that decisive moment and not rush the next frame is a lesson I remind myself every day and try to teach my son... Lovely post as always.
4. Sarah said on 7/10/12 - 01:42AM
I just discovered this blog and I have to say it is completely exquisite. The recipes, the photographs, the writing.. there are no words. You have given me a view into a world so fascinating and delightful. Thank you, I will definitely be returning.
5. kristin said on 7/10/12 - 10:36AM
you have captured the pure essence of what living on a farm is all about. it is these decisive moments, good or bad, that gives breath to farmer's soul... xo kristin faded prairie
6. amelia from said on 7/11/12 - 07:49AM
I absolutely love this "decisive moment" concept... I will definitively adopt it
7. mes bijoux said on 7/11/12 - 09:29AM
I love to capture THIS moment, because when you check the picture you are so proud... I have one of my nephew shooting a football at the same time that he loses his shoe. Very fun! BTW, you have a lovely, wonderful and nice blog (I'm quite jealous, in fact) kisses from Barcelona!
8. fig + fauna said on 7/12/12 - 06:26AM
Thank you all for your words. I enjoy seeing your websites and getting a view of your worlds too!
9. zee said on 7/12/12 - 02:33PM
i've been scrolling your blog and have come to the conclusion that you have found the magical/utopian/promised land lol but anyway everything looks so pretty! never shall i doubt country living again...
10. cheri said on 7/13/12 - 09:18AM
I have found my way here via Wittgenstein's Watering Can blog. I have been thinking a lot about living in the here and now but this post sums up for me what I am trying to work towards. I enjoy filling in the next frame. Thank you and I look forward to reading more.
11. amy said on 7/13/12 - 02:12PM
wow. this is my first time on this site. i linked in from Honestly wtf. such a beautiful site with lovely writing. thank you for sharing your words with us.
12. Lana said on 7/15/12 - 05:09AM
Love your photography and blog! Truly captures the everyday beauty of country living.
13. kimberly said on 7/15/12 - 12:14PM
Thank you for this. I have just come inside to cool off and take a break. I've been weeding like a crazed woman. Focusing on the harvest and losing the joy in just this simple moment as I race around trying to get ready for my first market. You've put a smile on my face. I will head back out in a moment refreshed and renewed, ready to work and refocus on just this special moment. And maybe I'll walk out to the barn and check on our first chicks just a few days old.
14. fig + fauna said on 7/15/12 - 04:31PM
Thank you all for your lovely comments ~ Kinberly ~ hope your market goes well! happy weeding ;)
15. Amy said on 7/16/12 - 02:30AM
Such a wonderful post. The moment is the only place we have to live, because it is the only thing we are guaranteed. There is no point to live in the future, here and now is what matters most. All the parts that lead up to the harvest are what life is composed of.
16. MamaBird said on 7/25/12 - 09:26AM
A beautiful reminder to be mindful and present in the moment. Your blog is a sensory delight! Thank you!
17. Avalena said on 11/23/12 - 09:17PM
I'm a city girl, with a country-girl's heart. I can just picture the sun rising, the cool crisp air of early morning, the musky smell of animal and the warm meditation of milking. The heady scent of daily bread as it bakes in the oven. The zen of weeding. Thanks for the inspiration! The more people who capture the exchange between us, our food and the land, the better this world becomes.
18. Alexander Cheung said on 11/27/13 - 02:42PM
These words lifted me. What a precious thing most of this life is -- a life in development, a life hanging for the next frame in a self-acted, cinematic tour de force. We must live for the next moments as we live completely, immersively, in the present.

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